Recommend a Friend

Had a great hair experience at Blushes?

Tell your friends about it.

With our Recommend a Friend scheme, we’ll give you and your friend 25% off your next appointments!

Find out how below.

How It Works

  1. Login to your online account via our booking system

  2. Click on your name in the top right corner

  3. Using the “recommend a friend” tab on the left side of the screen, you will find a unique code for yourself, along with an invitation to send on digitally.

(Alternatively, your stylist at your Blushes salon will provide you with a card to pass along to your friend!)

Share your referral code with friends and family

After visiting your favourite Blushes salon, you'll receive a Thank You text message with a unique referral code. Copy and share the code with any friends and family who’d like to try Blushes.

Quote the code

Once your friend has visited Blushes, you can also use the code when booking online or over the phone.


Enjoy that #BlushesFeeling with 25% off.


hair now. Pay later.


New Client Offer